Dog Concerns

Dog in diaperDoes your Dog need Diapers?

You notice a wet spot on your dog’s hip. Then a wet spot on the floor where your dog just got up.

At first there’s denial. Oh, she’s just not feeling well. She accidentally peed in her sleep. You start paying attention–noticing your dog’s smell, spots on the floor, and damp spots on your dog. Read more.


Dog and GingerLead slingDog Slings – A Good Tool to Have

A sling supports the rear end for handicapped or arthritic dogs.  If you’ve ever tried to use a towel as a sling, you know it’s very awkward.

You just never know when your dog gives you a pleading look at the bottom of the stairs;he gets arthritic or develops hip dysplasia;suddenly has difficulty walking. Read more.

3 models of dog stairsDog Stairs

Does your dog hesitate before jumping onto the couch or bed? Does he plead for help as he contemplates jumping?  Does he hesitate to jump down?  It may be time to buy stairs for your dog. Read more.