The Dog Lived (and So Will I)

By Teresa J. Rhyne

When Destiny called (a real person from the pet adoption center)—Teresa  answered. So began her memoir involving Seamus, a beagle rescue—not what she had planned after recovering from her second divorce and the recent loss of her senior beagles. The Dog Lived and So will I

Teresa’s wit shines through this memoir as she tackles several difficult topics and tries to fit them into her compartmentalized alphabet life of A (alcohol), B (books), C (caffeine), and D (dogs). Although B could have also stood for boyfriend, although she claimed all she really wanted was a casual sexual relationship.

This #1 New York Times bestseller memoir is a love story on multiple levels.

  • Teresa and Seamus the beagle – an easy love affair for anyone who owns dogs.
  • Chris, the boyfriend, who learns to tolerate a dog when he wasn’t a dog person – but Seamus wins him over.
  • Teresa and Chris – whose relationship grows more serious despite their twelve-year age difference (she is older) and Chris’s upbringing.
  • Chris’s parents who at first disapprove of Teresa

Dogs and cancer. If you have owned a dog, there’s a good chance you have had a dog suffer from cancer.

The groomer found a tiny bump, the size of a mosquito bite under Seamus’s tail—not something that one expects to lead to a predicted one-year death sentence, for a two-year old active dog. Mast cell tumors are like skin cancer. Although treatable, Seamus had an aggressive form, requiring multiple surgeries and chemotherapy.

Teresa’s light-hearted approach will make you laugh and cry at her paranoia, Seamus’s separation anxiety, and her many attempts at trying to live with a dog that has cancer—which allows her to spoil him and wind her life around his needs. I saw myself in many of her thoughts and actions when I owned a dog suffering from cancer.

Just when you think the story has a happy ending with Seamus’s cancer in remission, Teresa finds a lump in her breast—triple-negative breast cancer, which is very aggressive with a high recurrence rate. Throughout surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, Teresa builds up the mantra that since Seamus lived, so will she.

The Dog Lived (and So Will I) is a must read for dog lovers, breast cancer survivors, and anyone wanting a good story of what dog lovers will go through for their pets. Teresa’s humor will infect you with statements such as Seamus wearing a t-shirt stating “Beagles for Boobies.”


Check out Teresa’s Facebook page for more information  or order the book.